Run the AVAST32 program in enhanced user interface. Login into the program as an administrator (ie. click with right mouse button on local computer icon in Tasks tab, from the selection available select "Logout". Than click again on local computer and from selection avaible select "Login".In the new dialog window use "administrator" as a Username and leave the password blank.Then click the OK button.Now you are logged in as an Administrator into the AVAST32 program and can change all settings of the program.
To have all computers available for remote administration check, whether is the chexk box "Show all computers that run engine" on "Main" page of Settings menu.
Interface is described in chapter "Enhanced user interface / Task Page" . Remote administration is then performed by logon on remote computer through "Computer" selection in main menu of the program.Than it is possible to perform all settings and antivirus tests, as if they were on your local computer.